she went with china.
she looked gorgeous (in my opinion).
the party was a lot of fun, and evie had a blast playing with juniper's niece and nephew. there was a great deal of extended laughter. oh, and confetti eggs. here she is experiencing the joy of breaking a confetti egg on daddy's head.

being in a sweetheart mood, she decided she should clean him off afterwards.

evie's new best friend hetta (juniper's six-year-old niece) took good care of her all night long.

and to top off the evening? a pinata! evie's first. she really enjoyed it. enjoyed it so much that we were up two hours past bedtime. she let us put her in her jammies before her last go at it.

thankfully, the late night of fun didn't translate into a grumpy mood on sunday. that was another good day. we headed over to the embarcadero to look at boats and sit on the giant spider statue.

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