Wednesday, December 31, 2008

evie meets her cousin allie

evie meets her cousin allie
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
one other nice thing about our trip to LA was that evie finally got to meet her cousin allie - the only cousin she hadn't met yet. allie lives in new york now, but she was in LA visiting her dad for the holiday, so we overlapped. she came out and met us at the gene autry museum for a bit just before we headed home.

evie wasn't in much of a mood to pose for a picture, but she liked meeting her cousin.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

54 is the goat birthday

we celebrated mike's 54th birthday today with waffles and sausage for breakfast, followed by a trip to the zoo and then a roast goat leg with a lovely bottle of red wine and some homemade rice pudding gelato for dessert.

the birthday boy is happy.

the most wonderful time of the year

grandma & grandpa did good!
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
so christmas, it probably seems like a long ago memory to you, but it went on for 7 days here. mostly because we doled evie's presents out by 1-3 per day. she didn't really know the difference, and it made things extra fun for her. i suppose she'll be a little disappointed today when there aren't any presents, though...

the big gift this year? the tricycle from grandma and grandpa. it's a very big hit. it's still a little big for her, but i think that's good, because it should fit her for a long time.

gifts started a bit early here, on tuesday night, before we left for LA. we let evie pick out the first gift to open - and since i hadn't put the trike together yet, she picked a more moderately sized package. after first picking out the two boxes for mike, she settled on a present from gladys. a very cute christmas sweater. when she saw it, though, she realized that this should not count as the one gift she should get to open and headed back to the pile. another gift from gladys. let's just say gladys knows my girl. her very own barbie computer, so she can check her email (that's what she says she's doing when she picks it up - so cute). the only problem is that walking through the airport with her happily clutching her computer, people are going to think i bought it for her...


the next morning was christmas eve. we woke evie up early, and i had a glimpse of her teenage years. she just waved me off as i tried to wake her up. eventually she did get up, and we got dressed and headed to the airport. the absolute most exciting place in the world for evie. so much to look at.

wow, oh wow

it was a smooth trip to LA. that was nice. bodes well for our trip to florida in february - i hope.

tom, margaret, evan & lena were very kind to have us down to celebrate christmas with them, tom's parents, and his two brothers. evie loved the mcdonough family. so many people to play with.



i brought down the box of bracelets from grandma for evie to open on christmas morning. they were a hit.


though lets face it, the whole day was a hit. presents, food, people. what's not to like. evie especially loved hanging out with the big kids. she was a guitar hero groupie.

the three musketeers?

the trip back was uneventful. we spent saturday in golden gate park with gaurav and his family. the academy of sciences was overrun with people, so we didn't stay too long, eventually giving up on it to head over to the playground and carousel. it's hard to believe how big these girls are getting. zyla is absolutely gorgeous.

it's a cute off

the next day she picked up the big box from cayden to open. lots of good stuff!

checking out her presents from cayden

checking out her presents from cayden

i'm already looking forward to next year!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

santa lilly & evie

santa lilly & evie
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
all evie wants for christmas is for lilly to stay a little longer.

Friday, December 19, 2008

cookie extravaganza

evie's friday friends came over to help her make her first ever batch of christmas cookies. things were a little wild and crazy, but the cookies taste great, and everyone had fun.

eve and lilly even got in on the fun.

lilly & eve

yet another great friday.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

a ray of hope

ok this has been a really tough week. you know things are bad when i'm happy to go to work, so that someone else can deal with the tyrant known as evie. she has just been a bit of a terror for the past week, and i find myself looking for any signs that this is going to pass and not that she is going to torment me with "don't want it" tantrums for the next 16 years.

last night, i found my sign.

she was in the tub and having a tantrum. i can't explain what it was over, cause it's never quite clear. the one good thing about the tantrum is that it gave me a chance to look into her mouth and see that she has a new molar.

hmm. that might explain why she told us her "mouth hurt" last week and why she's been waking up in the middle of the night crying for a little more than a week. oh, and hey while i'm blaming the tooth for those things, maybe this hair trigger temper has something to do with having a toothache?

if you don't believe it, please don't tell me, cause i just want to enjoy this for a little while longer. and because even if it is the tooth, i know that there are still three left to come...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ho ho ho

Originally uploaded by rockgirl2670
my office xmas party was last night, and lucky me, i had two dates!

evie spared us the tantrums, didn't pull down the tree, and was pretty much a delight. that is the christmas gift that i'd like to keep receiving all season long.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times

bathing beauties
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
so it seems like it was a tale of two evies this weekend.

we had moments of sheer joy and fun. eve and lilly have arrived for their annual december visit, and evie is having a blast with lilly. last night we went to my friend juniper's to celebrate her birthday. her apartment is an absolute toddler hazard, but evie listened and played with only the things she was supposed to, and she was very social with the crowd. total joy.

and then there was the other evie. the throw herself down on the floor and pound her fists and kick and scream. not once, not twice, way more often than i could count. culminating in a 90 minute tantrum tonight.

i guess we should count ourselves as lucky that this was the first time she's ever cried for this long. perhaps that's our silver lining.

when do the terrible twos end?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

evie and brighton - together again

brighton is one of evie's earliest friends. he was born a month after her and lived right around the corner from our old place. then, up until august he was part of our nanny share on tuesdays.

in late august brighton's family made a temporary move to l.a. so they could all be together while his dad was working down there on a project. plan was to be back at the end of october.

well the best laid plans, don't you know.

seems the family was all back in new mexico, where mel and eli (brighton's parents) are from and they just happened to find the perfect house. next thing you know, they've made an offer and will be closing on the house later this month.

they're back for a few weeks packing things up. mel decided that she and brighton needed a break, so they joined us at the academy of sciences last friday with the rest of the gang.

fun was had by all.

now when evie says brighton's name (which is often), she says "brighton. penguins."

i like that. but i'm going to miss them all.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Originally uploaded by jcampioni
now i understand the increased toilet paper budget.

she's got the music in her

evie enjoys the music. like most kids, she just can't help herself and starts dancing whenever there's music playing. last night she added a twist and made herself a dance partner. this is a little long, but there's a really nice payoff at the end.

Monday, December 8, 2008

learning about "men's work"

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
evie decided to don mom's rubber gloves and dive in with dad and learn about men's work. she actually calls it that. it makes me so happy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

where's waldo

or more precisely, where's evie? evie loves the eye spy books right now, so this seems fitting. see if you can find her (and mike) in this video from the carousel in golden gate park on saturday. be forewarned, it's not exciting!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

finally! a new video!

we had a pretty nice weekend after thanksgiving. we got the place put back together and after chilling a bit on friday, we decided to head over to golden gate park on saturday. now i've brought evie to this playground a half dozen times, but i was a little surprised as we started to walk up to it that she remembered that there's a carousel and started talked about horsies right off the bat. well for a mere $2, mike took her for a ride, and she was a happy girl.

then over to the playground to swing, spin and slide. i took off her shoes to help her pick up maximum speed. she seemed to approve.

the pimp-daddy swing

then we walked over to sharon meadow.


and what did we find at hippie hill? the drum circle of course. so for a grand total of $2, we had at least $20 worth of fun!

hanging out at hippie hill

thanksgiving postmortem

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
the orphan thanksgiving was resurrected this year, much to my pleasure. we haven't had a big bash since 2005, so i was excited to have a few people over to celebrate my favorite holiday with us. what began as 8 people eventually grew to 21 as more "orphans" made their way to us. joy!

evie went down for her nap before anyone had arrived, so she was a little started when she woke up and found a houseful of people. fortunately camille was here and took charge of entertaining quinn and evie. evie quickly adjusted and decided it was a great day since there were so many nice people to entertain her.

dan and richard were kind enough to haul over the fryer and deep fry a beautiful 23 pound bird for the masses.


camille was assigned double duty for the day. in addition to some excellent quinn-sitting, she was responsible for the mashed potatoes with mike. let's just say she took her cream and butter duties very seriously.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

more from the mon-thurs crew

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
happy girls!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

best friends

best friends
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
four days a week these three amigos run, sing, dance, play, eat, sleep and generally hang out together.

while i have to work, i'd also say that i like to work as well. i toyed with the idea of being a stay at home mom, but i'm not sure that i could do nearly as good a job day in and day out as gladys does with these two girls. don't get me wrong, i absolutely love spending time with evie, and i never want to give up our fridays together, but i also appreciate being able to use my mind in a different way at work.

i don't think that i would be able to feel this way if gladys wasn't a total rock star with the girls. throw in the fact that evie and paloma are best of friends, and somedays it feels like you really can have it all.

definitely something to be thankful for.

Monday, November 24, 2008

fuzzy feet day

fuzzy feet day
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
sometimes you just need to make a day special.

evie had a low grade fever that started last thursday night, so we didn't get out to play with our friday friends. stuck in the house and looking for something to entertain us, we decided to wear our fuzzy socks.

1 year olds can sometimes be very easy to please. other times, not so much. i'm glad this was the former!

everything's better with a friend

i believe the picture speaks for itself.

walking a few feet in mama's shoes

well i told you she had big feet. she also enjoys wearing mommy and daddy's shoes. she managed to walk all of the way across the kitchen in these.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

you can count on me

ok, this is a straight out mama bragging post.

my kid can count to ten! i've held this in for five whole days now, just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. no fluke! she's a genius!

ok, maybe not a total genius, she can only count to ten in english correctly - her spanish counting has gone a little hinky.

either way, it's very cute.

Monday, November 17, 2008

rub a dub dub, three girls in a tub

after the farm, charli and her mom (karen) headed back to our place for a much needed cocktail (dragging the girls away from the bike was stressful!). spring and stella (our neighbors) also came by to join us.

three toddler girls.


they're very cute, but also very energetic and loud. they had a blast together. i don't know how we're going to handle it when they're all teenagers.

easy rider

easy rider
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
a shishi kid's shop in los altos had this cute pink tricycle. all the girls went crazy for it. i had to drag evie from the shop. i mean literally drag.

friday at the farm

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
don't worry, i take evie to things other than protests! last friday we went to the hidden villas farm down in the los altos hills. i told evie to hold her friend inara's hand as we were walking over to check out the sheep.

they look like two little old ladies. it was so cute.

there were sheep, goats, chickens, pigs and cows to see.


we couldn't get too close to the cows though...


my little activist

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
not being content with just watching the protest march last week, this time evie got out and marched herself. well ok, she fell asleep in the stroller as we walked down to city hall for the rally. when she woke up there were thousands of people around holding signs.

she thought is was pretty cool. lots to see.

we marched up market street and then our activism waned slightly as we passed our street and decided to head home for lunch.

here's a pic of one of my favorite signs from the day. all the kids (and there were a lot of them) seemed drawn to it...


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i'll pick my own hat, thank you!

funny headwear day!
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
i was making dinner last night and wandered back to evie's room to see what was going on. this was the scene found. fortunately the camera was close by. it seems evie went into the hat box and picked out the bumble bee hat for herself and then brought the wig over to mike and said "daddy's".

how could he possibly refuse?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

evie gets out in support of marriage equality

evie's first protest march! ok, we didn't actually march, but we did get out to cheer the thousands who took to the streets to protest the passing of proposition 8.

i will admit that evie was slightly more interested in the helicopters overhead than the marchers, but she did get in on the cheering.

of course i gave her a little talk on the importance of what we were seeing - constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of speech and assembly. poor kid! but i do hope this is the beginning of a long life of her knowing what it means to be an american!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

the first sentence

so we got it tonight while i was making dinner. evie was getting into all kinds of stuff she wasn't supposed to, so i politely suggested that she go play with the stuff in her drawer, rather than pull baggies out all over the floor.

her response?

"this is evie's drawer."

a declarative. of course, it was mommy's drawer, not evie's, but no matter. my daughter's a genius!

oh wait, this is just the beginning of all the smart mouthed back talk, isn't it?

feeling good, mom?

we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming

Originally uploaded by jcampioni

the election - part 2 - bittersweet

tuesday night was such a joy, but the joy was tempered by news that california proposition 8 was winning.

prop 8 eliminates the right for same sex couples to marry. as you might guess, i have more than just a few friends who are gay. many are in long term relationships. we were happy to celebrate the wedding of our friends jake and derek this past summer when the california courts ruled that restricting marriage to heterosexual couples was discrimination, and legalized gay marriage.

groups outside of california poured money into the state to promote proposition 8. it was heavily promoted as necessary to "save traditional marriage".

call me crazy, but if you want to save traditional marriage, you should target the real enemy. divorce.

it was also promoted as something ominous and dangerous for our children. that they would begin "teaching" it in schools. i don't even know what the hell that is supposed to mean. and i can tell you right now, i don't care if my daughter learns that she will have the right to marry whomever she wants. i can tell you right now that whether she is gay or straight is not her choice, and i will love her the same no matter what. i can't even imagine that if she's gay that she should have less rights than anyone else. the thought breaks my heart.

allowing all citizens the right to marry the person of their choosing seems like such a basic, non-issue to me, that it's a little hard for me to understand the arguments against it.

and yet it prevailed.

i guess some societal prejudices are going to take longer to get rid of than others.

i did have one ray of hope, though. i have a good friend who is an immigrant and a very devout christian. these were groups that were targeted by the pro prop 8 crowd, and they provided the support needed to get it passed. he voted yes on 8, but almost immediately regretted it. he posted this image along with the comments below. i was heartened to see him really take the time to think about what jesus would do in this situation.

Was under the pressure from the church & friends, I voted Yes to prop 8. However, I am so regret about what I did. I think I just betrayed all human in the world by taking away the rights from certain people. Do I still no accepting interracial marriages? Do I still not allowing blacks to vote? Do I still not allowing some people to buy lands. .... These are just so crazy, just so against my believes.

Tunnel vision of a Christian... to protect the term "marriage" with 1man+1woman and removing the rights from the G&Ls.

broad vision of a Christian... should really be... Love Everyone (was: anyone).

Please vote No to prop 8.

the election - part 1 - the good part

ok, mom and dad, i waited a day for this, but as you may have guessed we're all pretty happy out here about the obama victory. i know you feel differently than me about this, but i hope that over the coming months and years that you begin to see that this was a good thing.

election night was incredible. i came home from work early, champagne in hand. this year i was sure. our nanny share partners came over to watch the results with us. they were both really nervous. mike was so nervous that he forgot to add the lime to our margaritas (um, yuck). they all had this fear that the country might go the other way, again. not me, i knew.

the states rolled in slowly. we ate pizza, had drinks and the girls played. then at 7 we sat down to watch stewart & colbert. ha ha, kind of lame, when will this be over? then around 8 pm we started hearing people cheering in the streets, moments later, jon stewart made the announcement. there was cheering and hugging and tears. it was amazing.

hope won.

open the champagne!

i thought mccain's concession speech was good, and the speech of the man that he used to be before this dishonorable campaign that he ran. had that man run, he probably still would have lost, but he'd still have some self-respect and dignity. i feel a little sorry for him that he pissed it all away for nothing.

we kept evie up late to listen to obama's speech. tony & kimberly came up to watch with us. by the time the of the speech evie was getting a little squirrely, but i wanted to be able to tell her that she saw it. i just kept hugging her and feeling much better about the world that she's part of.


i cried. happy, happy tears.

i was a little unsure of obama when this whole thing started. i worried that he didn't spend the political capital that he went to the senate with. where was the groundbreaking legislation? i love to hear him speak, but then what? then i really started listening to him. and watching him. and i read his first book. and i started to feel excited. i saw him maintain his composure as dirt was slung at him, but he never lowered himself. he stayed calm while his peers scrambled. i started to hope.

eventually my hope didn't have to do with him, but with us. would we as a country be willing to give hope a chance? would we be willing to accept a candidate who wasn't negative. truly, i didn't worry about his race, as much as i worried about whether we were really ready to change enough to let a positive message be the last thing we heard as we stepped into the voting booths.

god bless america! we did it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

start the morning with a song

so evie has taken to starting her morning with a song. if we don't run in and get her as soon as she wakes up (she refuses to accept the end of daylight savings time and wakes up before 6 each morning), she just lays back in her crib and sings for a while. i cannot imagine a nicer way for my day to start - well other than sleeping till 7.

Monday, November 3, 2008

she makes a pretty picture

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
this picture is from a couple of weeks ago. evie put on her favorite hat in the morning and was just looking out the front window waiting for the street sweeper to come by. i just ran across it again (i know, i take a lot of pictures) and just had to pause and look at her. i know that i'm totally biased, but i think she is just beautiful.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

breakfast with obama

breakfast with obama
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
evie has finally graduated from her high chair to her own table and chairs in the kitchen. she really likes to get up while she's eating and do a little happy dance. we'll have to wait and see how this all works out.

now, the obama picture. that takes a tad more explanation. the rains arrived her starting on friday, so i decided that i needed to have some indoor winter activities at the ready.

hmm. what to do?

collages, of course. so i spent her nap on friday cutting pictures out of magazines, catalogs and a political mailer with a picture of obama. when evie got up from her nap, she wanted to look thru all the pictures. she zoomed right in on "bama" as she calls him. (sorry dad, she recognizes his face and his voice without provocation).

she was so excited about the picture of him, that i decided to put a little stand on the back so that he could sit at the table with her. so far he has shared her peas and blown on her eggs when they were too hot. i think it's quite nice that he can take time out of the campaign to dine with her.

trick or treat!

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
well this year i went all out and actually got evie a costume. yes, the costume consists of that ladybug hat and her flowery dress (see she's a garden and a ladybug...). yeah, ok, halloween is not my strong suit.

but, no matter. evie had herself a jolly old time anyway, trying her hand, for the first time, at trick or treating. she managed to say trick-or-treat and happy halloween and all that good stuff to me and the other moms, but when she'd walk up to someone handing out candy she just got glazed over and held out her hand.

it seemed to work, cause we had a nice assortment in the bucket when we were finished.

i think evie's going to be a fan of halloween.

as a matter of fact, she liked it so much that she didn't want it to end. thank goodness for the elephant robe from yoko!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

early morning heart warming

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
yesterday morning evie sat down on her potty (unfortunately she only uses it as a chair at this point) to read a book with mike. of course, she needed just the right hat for the occasion.

they were so cute. the picture of them together kept me warm on my chilly ride into work.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

jam session

jam session
Originally uploaded by jcampioni
evie, charli and inara play a special song for sahana's 30th birthday at the bay area discovery museum.