Friday, September 28, 2007


evie hit the swings at the park with her friend lucie today.

there's no place like home

evie got some new shoes, and she loves tapping her feet together trying to get back to kansas.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

a few laughs

when evie's in a good mood in the morning (which is usually), she can share some great laughs with us. here are a few for you to enjoy. please ignore that annoying strand of hair of mine spoiling the picture.

as an aside, we tried peas today. NOT a hit.

dancing queen

we were having dinner the other night and little ms. evie was feeling the music. the picture's a little grainy, but i think you'll get the picture.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

good walk + huge meal + scary diaper = best night ever

mike joined us on our mom's walk yesterday. the mom's walk turned
out to be just claudia and marlon and us, but it was quite lovely.
beautiful weather and tartine. turns out if you go there at 3 pm,
the place seems to magically clear out right about that time. quite

after the walk, we headed home and evie had her first taste of
oatmeal - much more of a hit than the rice cereal - and some sweet
potatoes. she was a very hungry girl. then quite a lot of water,
which she'll drink now if i just put a little bit of breast milk in it.

well it seems all that food and water needed to made some space in
her system... the scary diapers have arrived. that's quite a change
they take. but we all survived it (so far). it makes infant potty
training seem more attractive. i think i'll be checking out diaper free baby.

but the best news is that this all added up to the BEST NIGHT EVER!
evie went to be a little before 7 pm, and didn't wake up until 2:30
to eat. then back to sleep until after 6 am. mom & dad are very
pleased. if only we'd go to sleep when she does, we'd be well rested

Monday, September 17, 2007

sweet potato love

evie tried sweet potato for the first time today. let's just say it was a hit. see for yourself.

i think sweet potato love would be a good name for a band, though asleep at the boob still has a nice ring to it too...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

new nanny share partner, check

big sighs of relief over here as we found a new nanny share partner. the family we've been sharing with has a new baby coming any moment, and mom's going to start staying home, so we needed to find someone new. enter craigslist. we talked to a couple of couples, both nice, but i knew dana & david (daughter paloma) would be a match when he said he was a bass player. small world.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

and the new record is...

that'd be 7 hours and 45 minutes of straight sleeping last night. do i hear 8?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

more gruel, miss?

last week's doctors appointment gave us the green light to get started with solids. so far evie has had mixed reviews.

initially, she seemed eager to try things...


then she found out it was rice cereal...


so on to avocados, a better review, but we need to work on her manners...


can you hear them?

that's the sound of angels singing, or just the sound of me well rested. last night evie only woke up once, after 7 hours of sleep. mom and dad are pretty friggin happy right now...

Monday, September 10, 2007

more smiles

what can i say, she's very photogenic...

daddy's girl

Originally uploaded by Clemson
this is a great photo that my friend clemson took when he visited last weekend. evie's getting easier and easier all of the time, but she does still have her days.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

small victories and a new arrival

Today marks two new milestones for Evie. She spent last night in her
crib in her own room!!!! I had to feed her twice during the night,
but all in all it was a success. Then this morning when I was
feeding her, I felt (ouch) her first tooth has finally come through.
Lots of new stuff.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

From my phone....

This one's from my treo. Fingers are crossed.

test of emailing a picture

what happens when i email a picture to the blog?

Monday, September 3, 2007

happy happy

here's my happy girl.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

a good day

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
spent friday afternoon walking with our ragtag mom's group up to the panhandle park. ms. evie is really starting to enjoy the other babies and the pigeons. i feel so fortunate that she and i can spend fridays together. thus the happy smiles.


and the good news for this video is that this time i don't talk at all! sorry about the orientation, hope it doesn't make anyone dizzy.

evie test drove the swings at the panhandle park on friday. we can add this to the list of things that evie likes. it's nice to see the list of things she likes get longer than the things she really, really hates...