the firefighters gave the kids a great tour, where they got to hold the fire hose (evie was too scared) and sit in the fire truck.

(this is the other birthday girl, laura)

we continued the celebration on saturday morning with a trip to tartine, a great bakery in the neighborhood, where evie managed to polish off about 95% of a very substantial ham & cheese croissant. then we were off to the academy of sciences and some fish time. after nap, we headed off for chinese food where evie consumed a whole lotta birthday dumplings.
on sunday she and i headed out for some mommy/evie time. we walked to the subway and took a train over to another neighborhood, where we got bagels, picked out some books and got a very cool dragon.
then tony and kimberly came up and joined us for another celebration, and her official birthday cupcakes. plus they got her a copy of "where the wild things are" and her very own wild thing.

monday was playing with paloma and gladys, more cupcakes and pizza for dinner.
evie now wants presents and candles all of the time.
i can't believe how fast this year went. it's been tough on occasion, but more than worth it. she's such a treasure.
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