Wednesday, March 4, 2009

bouncing her troubles away

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
last friday was evie's friend inara's second birthday party. i was again reminded that other moms are much more willing to plan and prepare for this type of thing. evie's pretty much going to get a candle in a cupcake for her birthday, though her friend laura's birthday is at about the same time - and laura's mom wants to throw a party together, so she may benefit from that.

the party was at a place called pump it up junior. lots of inflated things to bounce on, run through, and slide down. evie had a blast. she especially loved this big slide.

after the adrenaline of the jumping, accompanied by the sugar from the juice box and cake, evie was amped. when you add this to the fact that she only napped for a half hour on the way to the party, you'll have a little more insight to four of the seven tantrums she had that day.

the birthday goatee
(the birthday girl, inara)

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