Monday, June 30, 2008

hot pink!

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
lately evie has been pitching a fit every time that we try to put shoes on her, so i decided it was time to go out and get her little feet measured. turns out they weren't so little. 4.5 on one foot and 5 on the other - no wonder those 4's made her so unhappy....

it also turns out that her feet are wide and tall (hmm, fat feet to go with her man hands, lovely), so there was only one pair of shoes (yeah, that'd be $40 shoes) in the store that we could get on her feet. wouldn't you know that they were hot pink.

and wouldn't you know that she loves them. my shoe hating daughter now wants to wear these hot pink monstrosities all of the time. including last night after her bath. what am i going to do when she wants to play dress up?

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