she's also generous with the hugs and kisses lately. i like that. a lot.
she's getting much more verbal, and at the same time picking up new baby signs. she can now sign "more", "eat", "please", "thank you", "baby" and "cracker". she may know more, but that's the limit of what i know, so it's all i understand. i taught her please, thank you and cracker, but she learned the rest from paloma, which i think is pretty darned cool.
she's also pretty good with the animal sounds, so our trip to the farm at rancho san antonio last friday was a good adventure. sheep, pigs, goats, ducks and chickens to talk back to. all great fun until a goat kind of hissed at her. then abject terror. lucky for me i had a bunch of cherries which would help evie get over any crises.
here's a pic of us checking out the animals. if you look closely, you may notice some coordination in our outfits. i can tell you, without a doubt, that that was an accident. i'm incapable of coordinating outfits for myself, so doing it for both of us it out of the question!
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