so i didn't want to make the original list all about evie & mike, so i decided to give them their own list.
1. i have a daughter named evelyn, we call her evie. she's named after my mom's stepmother, the only grandmother that i really knew. she was born on march 23, 2007
2. i gave her my last name as her middle name.
3. i always wanted to be a mother, ever since i was a kid.
4. when i turned 30, i realized that it might never happen for me, and i got ok with it.
5. in 2003, i walked into a room to watch a raiders' play-off game and met mike. i didn't know i was going to marry him, but i knew he was going to be something very special and important to me. our first date was six months later. we got married almost exactly one year after our first date. i was a few weeks shy of 37.
6. our wedding was planned in 10 days, and an amazing array of friends came together to help create the most amazing day i could ever imagine. it still makes me smile to think about any part of it. i felt beautiful and special.
7. i decided to wing my wedding vows, mike went first and completely blew me away.
8. it took us a year to decide we wanted to have a baby, then it took another year before i got pregnant. i'm pretty sure i got pregnant the night that we decided to give up.
9. i knew that evie was going to be a girl, even though the doctor's never told me. i figured it was because i was terrified of the idea of having a girlie-girl.
10. i did not really love being pregnant. months of cankles get old. pre-natal yoga helped.
11. i grew really attached to the name "guido" during the pregnancy - mike, not so much.
12. i took a couple of birthing classes, but they were unnecessary since she was breech and i had a scheduled c-section. piece of cake. i heal fast.
13. i felt exactly how i thought i would the first time i saw her. what i didn't expect was how much more i would love her every single day. there was no way i could have understood until it happened.
14. i used to put her to bed listening to tom waits "closing time". now i sing "time after time" and "country roads" to her. last week, she sang "time after time" to me. it was the best thing i'd ever heard.
15. i despise thomas the tank engine and anyone involved in its production. this is a repeat from my other list, but i thought it beared mentioning again.
16. i spend fridays with evie and a group of other moms and kids. it is a true luxury.
17. i love having dinner together every night as a family.
18. i wonder what the right thing to do is about religion. i was happy to have been raised catholic and to have decided that it wasn't for me. i'm not interested in a formal religion for myself, but i enjoyed the moral framework that it provided me growing up. i hope i will do the right thing, and that she will feel like she is part of something bigger than just herself.
19. i have a wedding ring, but i don't wear it because it is made of white gold, which it turns out contains nickel, which it turns out i'm allergic to. it's a beautiful carved ring with 5 small blue sapphires. someday i will get around to having it remade in a metal that i'm not allergic to.
20. i will be forever grateful to all of the people who encouraged me to become a mother.
21. i am much more vulnerable in the world now. there is so much more to lose.
22. i love how much mike loves evie.
23. i love how much evie loves mike.
24. i would rather hang out with mike and evie than do anything else.
25. i feel blessed.