prop 8 eliminates the right for same sex couples to marry. as you might guess, i have more than just a few friends who are gay. many are in long term relationships. we were happy to celebrate the wedding of our friends jake and derek this past summer when the california courts ruled that restricting marriage to heterosexual couples was discrimination, and legalized gay marriage.
groups outside of california poured money into the state to promote proposition 8. it was heavily promoted as necessary to "save traditional marriage".
call me crazy, but if you want to save traditional marriage, you should target the real enemy. divorce.
it was also promoted as something ominous and dangerous for our children. that they would begin "teaching" it in schools. i don't even know what the hell that is supposed to mean. and i can tell you right now, i don't care if my daughter learns that she will have the right to marry whomever she wants. i can tell you right now that whether she is gay or straight is not her choice, and i will love her the same no matter what. i can't even imagine that if she's gay that she should have less rights than anyone else. the thought breaks my heart.
allowing all citizens the right to marry the person of their choosing seems like such a basic, non-issue to me, that it's a little hard for me to understand the arguments against it.
and yet it prevailed.
i guess some societal prejudices are going to take longer to get rid of than others.
i did have one ray of hope, though. i have a good friend who is an immigrant and a very devout christian. these were groups that were targeted by the pro prop 8 crowd, and they provided the support needed to get it passed. he voted yes on 8, but almost immediately regretted it. he posted this image along with the comments below. i was heartened to see him really take the time to think about what jesus would do in this situation.
Was under the pressure from the church & friends, I voted Yes to prop 8. However, I am so regret about what I did. I think I just betrayed all human in the world by taking away the rights from certain people. Do I still no accepting interracial marriages? Do I still not allowing blacks to vote? Do I still not allowing some people to buy lands. .... These are just so crazy, just so against my believes.
Tunnel vision of a Christian... to protect the term "marriage" with 1man+1woman and removing the rights from the G&Ls.
broad vision of a Christian... should really be... Love Everyone (was: anyone).
Please vote No to prop 8.
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