Friday, March 21, 2008

is that a temperature or a radio station?

poor ms. evie has been battling a bug the past few days. it started as a low grade fever on monday morning. we attributed it to her new tooth, but thenit hit 103.6 after i got home from work. ugh. still, she was doing pretty well. cranky and sleepy, but still taking in fluids and playing during the day. then the night before last it hit 104.7! yowza. turns out in babies that's not a big deal. over 105 is.

we went into the doc, just in case. naturally the fever broke just before we went it. figures. isn't that how it always works? doc figured it was probably just roseola. after one more return of the fever thursday night, this morning the spots appeared, so the doc was right - roseola.

her mood is improving (fever=cranky evie) and her appetite has returned. hopefully she'll be back to normal for her birthday on sunday.

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