Wednesday, October 24, 2007

and the new record is...

10 hours! evie went 10 hours between feedings last night. she slept until 5:07 am before she woke up and wanted to eat. absolute joy on my part. we're getting closer and closer to her being able to go the whole night - i'm looking for 12 hours, is that greedy?

we added chicken and butternut squash to her diet recently. not sure if the new foods are helping, but they sure aren't hurting!

Monday, October 15, 2007

battan down the hatches

as of yesterday, little ms. evie can now pull herself to standing. we're rethinking the placement of everything.

sorry about the orientation, i keep forgetting to keep the camera horizontal for video. perhaps someday i will learn, or evie will teach me.

and then there were three...

teeth that is. top left tooth came in last night. it wasn't pretty, but it did make me feel good that i was eventually able to comfort her. today she's in high spirits. probably because she doesn't realize there are more teeth to come...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

nice sunday

Originally uploaded by rockgirl2670
we hung out over at my boss' house this sunday afternoon, and joy took this nice picture of evie. click on the image to see some other pics from the day.

Monday, October 8, 2007

evie crawling without quotes

so evie's really crawling now, no more "crawling" for her, and no more leaving stuff laying around for mom and dad.

note: i played with a different upload method this time, so the video looks a little strange. i may play with it and go back to the old format.

too cute

Originally uploaded by jcampioni
ok, i know i've already covered this ground in the video, but i just love this picture of mike and evie.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

sunday morning jam

evie really enjoys when mike plays the guitar for her. this morning, she decided to get in on the action.

Friday, October 5, 2007


yup, that's the new record. nine and a half hours of sleep in a row last night. can you hear my smile?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

mmm. bananas.

so we can add bananas to the list of things that evie likes. i like how long the "likes" list is getting.