evie's friend inara decided she wanted an ice skating party for her fourth birthday. evie was thrilled by the idea. me, i was pretty nervous about strapping on the blades after so many years.
evie and her friends had a blast putting on the skates and playing around before we got on the ice. then we got out on the ice. evie was not so keen on her feet sliding around under her, but the people at the rink had a little lesson for the kids. they scattered a bunch of small toys around the ice and told the kids to pick them up and put them in a bucket.
evie was doing great. getting around the ice, picking stuff up, then she slipped and took a big fall on her tush. she was not happy. she pleaded with me to bring her in, but i had her stay out for another minute, then went in with her.
we got a drink of water, talked about things, then went back out on the ice again. she was not so pleased with me. i made her skate across the rink (holding my hand) the short way and back. she did great, but she was done.
that was the end of her skating that day, but not the end for me. it felt great to get out and skate around the ice. i surprised myself that i was steady on my feet. skating, no problem. stopping, hey, we don't really need to stop.
at one point i looked around and all but two of the kids had given up on skating and the rink was filled with moms. pretty nice.
best part was when i came back in and evie threw her arms around me and told me what a good job i did. i love a little encouragement.